Welcome & News
Welcome to our pediatric office at Voglerstrasse in Dresden-Blasewitz! We are dedicated to offer you and your children all aspects of pediatric care in our modern yet family-oriented setting. Our aim is to recognize each child individually with their specific needs and to offer them an enjoyable and relaxed visit at the doctors without any fear.
Starting in April we welcome well-known and new patients and offer care for English-speaking families. Come and grow with us!
To keep waiting times as short as possible we offer online booking for appointments whether you are in need for acute illness, a vaccination or a check up. Until the setup is complete we refer to email or a phone call to the office.

Our Team
Dr. Trebst holds her pediatric degree since 2005. After studying in Berlin, with short stays in Great Britain and Switzerland she completed her education as a pediatrician in Greifswald, Stralsund and Glauchau.
She als has an extensive education in the field of homoeopathy. She has worked at St Joseph Stift in Dresden, the Kinderzentrum Dresden-Friedrichstadt and their office in Gorbitz and in the recent 3 years she was employed at a collegues practice nearby and at the International Practice.
She is married with 6 children.

Nurse Ortrud
trained business clerk, with experiences as a tour leader for bus travel and medical assistance

Nurse Kathrin
examined pediatric nurse with degrees in care management, quality management and a as a case manager

Nurse Antonia
examined nurse with experience in rehab and home care

Our Office Hours

Dr. med. Beate Trebst
Fachärztin für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Kassenärztliche Bereitschaftspraxis (pediatric doctor available)
Fiedlerstr. 25 / Haus 28
Telefon: 0351. 116 117
Mo, Tue, Thu 17:00 – 22:00
Wed and Fri 15:00 – 22:00
Sat/Sun/ Holidays 8:00 – 22:00
Notaufnahme (emergency room) Kinderlinik Uniklinik Dresden, Fetscherstr. 74, Haus 21, Phone:0351. 458 2267
Notaufnahme (emergency room) Städtisches Klinikum Dresden (Neustadt), Industriestr. 40, Phone 0351. 856 2580
Gift-Notruf Erfurt (in cases of poisoning/intoxication): 0361.730 730
Kinder- und Jugendnotdienst Dresden (helpline for children and adolescents), Phone: 0351. 275 4004
In cases of serious health issues, life threathening events, Phone: 112


We offer
- General pediatric care from newborn to 18 years of age in acute and chronic illnesses
- Medical check-ups U2 to J2
- Examinations for minors starting vocational training (Berufstauglichkeit)
- Advice and Application for all recommended vaccinations according to STIKO and SIKO
- Vision and hearing tests
- Evaluation of development in children
- Psychosomatic care and social pediatrics for children with special needs
- Advice on breast feeding, nutrition for older children, sleeping, behavioral issues
- We perform lab testing for blood, urine and stool specimen
Additionally we offer:
- Exams for the suitability on swimming, sports, choir practice, sauna, kita
- Peparations for extended educational stays abroad
- Homoeopathy
What to bring for your visit:
- Insurance card or a certificate for the proof of health insurance
- Yellow booklet for check-ups
- Vaccination documents
- Any medical reports that seem important, such as hospital stays, surgery reports, former diagnostic test results
- A small warm blanket for babies and toddler, something to drink, diapers
- We kindly ask you to accompany your children up to the age of 14


You can reach us by phone during office hours. Caring for our patients has priority and we may therefore be unable to answer the phone. If that ist he case we kindly ask you to write a short email explaining your request. We aim to answer all email until the end oft he following workday.
On that behalf we would like to remind you that it is not eligable to answer medical issues via email, please don´t send any photographs. We will only answer requests for appointments or other organizational details.

- Dr. med. Beate Trebst
- Voglerstraße 23 01277 Dresden
- 0351. 20 50 80 70
- post@praxis-dr-trebst.de

Directions & Parking

How to reach us:
You can reach us by foot coming from Tolkewitzer Str. (tram stop Jüngststraße, line 6 and 12) walking along Jüngststr. /Behrischstr. and then turning left onto Eisenacher Str.
Coming from Schandauer Str. the nearest tram stop is Gottleubaer Str. (tram line 4,6 and 12) and then follow Voglerstr. until you reach the corner to Eisenacher Str. The nearest bus stop is Niederwaldplatz (line 65 and 85) and then a short walk along Eisenacher Str.
If you come by car you can park conveniently in the streets around the office entrance.

Legal Notice

Dr. med. Beate Trebst
Voglerstraße 23
01277 Dresden
Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde:
Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Sachsen
Schützenhöhe 12,
01099 Dresden, Tel: 0351-8828-0
Zuständige Kammer:
Sächsische Landesärztekammer
Schützenhöhe 16,
01099 Dresden
Tel: 0351-8267-0
Fachärztin für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Berufsbezeichnung verliehen durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Berufsrechtliche Verordnungen:
Berufsordnung der Sächsischen Landesärztekammer
Sächsisches Heilberufekammergesetz
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Konzept & Realisierung:
Dr. med. Beate Trebst
© 2025 Kinderarztpraxis Dr. med. Beate Trebst
Voglerstr. 23 | 01277 DResden | 0315. 20 50 80 70